Please submit the following form with as much information as possible and we will be in touch with you within 3 days to discuss your future project needs.
Your Name
Your Phone
Mailing Address (Street Address, State, Postcode)
Land Or Property Address Same as Mailing Address?Same AddressDifferent Address
Lot Number (if applicable)
Unit Number (if applicable)
Street Number *
Street Name *
Suburb *
How did you find us?Google/websiteSite signageUte signageEmail marketingFlyerBusiness cardPast clientReferralOther
You selected Other, we'd love to know more!
What does your enquiry best relate to?New home design and buildExtend home design and buildRenovated home design and buildOther
Have you obtained any plans or documentations for your project? *YesNo
Please select from the following list to indicate what you have, and please send them to after you submit this formConcept designPlanning permitSite feature and level surveyTitle boundary re-establishment survey *required if you wish to build to the boundaryEngineering computationsGeotechnical reportDrainage plansSewer detailsStormwater/landfill informationEnergy rating reportElectrical planInternal joinery documentationWindow scheduleI have no idea what I have been givenOther
You selected "Other", please tell us below
Please provide details below if you have you engaged a Draftsman, Designer or Architect as yet?
When are you looking to commence your project? *As soon as I find the right builder to work with0-3 months time6-12 months1- 2 years timeAre flexible and can work around with timeframesOther
You selected "Other", please tell us when
For Extensions/Renovations-do you intend to move out during the works? YesNoNot sure
Do you have a budget in mind?YesNoNot sure
Please share it with us!
Do you have your budget/finances organised? *YesNoNot sure
Have you ever Built/Renovated or Extended before? *YesNo
Who was the builder?Are you obtaining a quote from them as well? *YesNo
What do you need next in order to proceed with your proposed project? *An Architect/Designer/Draftsman to begin the processDiscussion/advice relating to initial concept designArchitectural documentation for the building permit
Other additional documentation such as *Electrical planEnergy rating reportInternal JoineryWindow scheduleSite level & feature surveyTitle boundary re-establishment surveyGeotechnical engineeringStructural engineeringAssistance with obtaining a building permit
Please don't hesitate to provide us any other further comments!